Maybe you can relate... I worry. I worry all the damn time. About not being a good enough mom, not being a good enough wife, not being a...
Maybe you can relate... I worry. I worry all the damn time. About not being a good enough mom, not being a good enough wife, not being a...
When we started our blogging adventure we said we'd talk about anything and everything under the sun. Real life experiences for real life...
We are certainly living in a weird time right now. With the COVID-19 pandemic we have over reactors, under reactors, and then those of us...
This blog will be short and is coming to you from a tired mom and business owner who is trying her best and feeling overwhelmed. I felt...
When you work from home all you do is stare at the list of ongoing things needing to be done. I live in an old farmhouse, so the list of...
This one is a little harder to write, but I think many people can relate in many ways. This blog in no way is medical advice and I do not...
It is so hard to believe that 2019 is coming to a close and 2020 will be upon us before we know it. As years come to a close we all make...
It's something we've been taught since we were tiny humans. As kids, our parents teach us to follow directions and when we start school...
I live in a 120 year old farm house and if you live in an old house as well you know the pain I feel with the lack of storage space and...
Snack? You read that right! If you know me, you know I like to call my alcoholic beverages snacks. As soon as the air becomes crisp the...
What better way to move from the man cold to dealing with all the “oh so wonderful” illnesses starting to circulate this time of year....
I know I'm not the only one who deals with a son and/or husband and their awful colds once or twice a year. Most of us as moms and women...
Let me tell you, when 3:30 rolls around at our house the chaos ensues. The kids come running into the house off the bus, throwing bags...
Some years it feels like we don't get a "Fall" season and go straight from Summer to Winter in a flash. As soon as the temp starts to...
Do you ever find yourself feeling completely cluttered and unorganized? I'm not just referring to the space around you; but your mind...
Self doubt and fear? Don't we all have it a time or two in our lives? Some of us have it way too often. Fear is one of our biggest set...
Marketing Schmarketing. Marketing your small business and yourself can be challenging and scary when you aren't sure where to start. Many...
Hey, thank you for coming! Sarah and I have so much we'd like to share between experiences, recipes, projects, business, mommin' and just...
Hey everyone! I'm Sarah, the short friend. I have many different hats I wear; mom, wife, friend, business owner, virtual assistant,...